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e-Learning Catalog

eLearning Catalog

UK/EU Environmental, Health & Safety

The UK/EU EH&S eLearning series contains over 70 online courses addressing UK mandated training. Categories include:

  • Emergency Response
  • Environmental
  • Hazard Communication
  • Industrial Hygiene
  • Powered Industrial Equipment
  • Process Safety
  • Safe Work Practices
  • Security

Many employers struggle with limitations on their training resources, yet the need to stay up-to-date with safety and regulatory mandates is critical. The gaps between what your workers know and what they are required to know for their jobs are knowledge gaps. And knowledge gaps increase the risk to safety and compliance. But what can you do to reduce the risk and eliminate gaps?

With over 50 years of experience in compliance, instructional design, and knowledge transfer technology, we have developed a full library of online courses:

  • Easy-to-use web-based courses available anytime, anywhere
  • Quickly identify knowledge gaps and generate pathways to 100% proficiency
  • Achieve compliance goals with compliance-focused management and automatic reporting
  • Reduce time-to-proficiency, enable refresher training, and improve on-boarding
  • Reduce expenses of classroom scheduling, travel, and instructor fees